WHILE WE WATCHED MAY 10, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

Peters Education Center Auditorium (West of Save Mart Center in the Student Recreation Center Building)

Discussant : Vinay Shukla (Director)

The Prime-Time Indian TV journalist, Ravish Kumar, is in trouble. Famous for his unflinching takedowns of the ruling establishment during his long-running primetime news hour, his nerves have begun to fray from carrying the torch of ‘good journalism’ for too long. In the public eye, Ravish has become a regular fixture, beaming from TV sets and widely shared phone videos. His primetime news bulletin has long been characterized by solid research, verified evidence, vignette-style notes from the field, and a sharp commentary with a touch of rustic sass. In the Indian media landscape, Kumar’s show is a far cry from the new industry standard of high-decibel, polarizing, blustering TV news debates. As press freedom further disintegrates and self-censorship becomes the new normal, Kumar struggles to stay afloat in the rising tide of his own network’s financial hardships, sinking TRP ratings, and the strain of continuous downsizing. The dangerously deteriorating standard of public discourse finds Ravish at the receiving end of harassment, intimidation, morphed images, threats to his life and even violence against his family. With a growing target on his back, and the looming threat of his network’s imminent closure, Ravish transforms from a spunky troublemaker into a deeply troubled man, worried for himself, his family, and the soul of his nation. In Hindi and English with English subtitles, 94 minutes.

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For further information about CineCulture: https://cineculture.csufresno.edu/
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Contact: Dr. Mary Husain (Instructor & Club Adviser) at mhusain@csufresno.edu

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